Myanmar Missions Trip


The first week was three days of training for the Burmese students. We taught them how to teach games, crafts, and stories. We also covered some really powerful topics of your view of God and Christ living in us and of abiding in His word.

The Lord has provided a great team this year! Nine Americans and ten Burmese.

We just finished our first week at a boarding school/orphanage with about 60 children and youth. This year is the sixth year we have been there and we have literally seen the kids grow up. They are so sweet! About a dozen of them were from the neighboring community and from Buddhist background. They all heard the message of salvation and of relationship with God.

We have specifically been teaching about the promises of God. Some of the children responded to the gospel. Others opened up about their personal stories. We could sense God’s love being poured though is to these little ones. When we left it was a lot of photos and tears. As a team, we had some good time sod prayer for the children and trust God to continue His good work in their lives! 

We just arrived at our second destination and had the first day yesterday. There are about 100/120 children and many of them new believers or Buddhist and spirit-worshippers. The Lord really anointed me to share yesterday with the youth about who God is, the salvation message, trusting God and what is truth! One young man, whom I believe is not a believer, was asking some good questions: “Is there anyone on your team that was a really bad person and God changed them?” I knew he asked that question because God was working in his heart. 

Praise God! We were blessed with a good hotel; the first one was pretty sketch and no one slept well. Health has been good too and God is providing all that we need to do His will! The spiritual warfare is real here and what a privilege to call upon the name of Jesus Christ!! He is Lord of all and His love and truth is for all people! Thank you all for praying!

Also, our team has been memorizing and meditating on Isaiah 55!